
Create a Collection

1. Collection Details

Markdown syntax is supported. 0 of 1000 characters used.

Customize your URL on Crypto&co. Must only contain lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens..

Make your items more discoverable on OpenSea by adding tags and a category.

Select the blockchain where you'd like new items from this collection to be added by default.

These tokens can be used to buy and sell your items.

Set this collection as explicit and sensitive content

Turn on after all items revealed and attribute metadata is finalized.

2. Collection Graphics

This image will also be used for display purposes. (Recommended size 350x350)

This image will be used for featuring your collection on the homepage, category pages, or other display areas of crypto&co. (Recommended size 600x400)

This image will appear at the top of your collection page. (Recommended size 1920x350)

3. Creator Earnings

Collection owners can collect creator earnings when a user re-sells an item they created. Contact the collection owner to change the collection earnings percentage or the payout address.

4. Links