Privacy Policy

Crypto & Co. is fully committed to protecting the privacy of all customers, and we have the strictest data protection policies. Our privacy notice explains the way Crypto & Co. gathers and uses your de-tails through our various websites and applications referenced herein in this Privacy Policy.

Crypto & Co is used to refer to a cryptocurrency marketplace that is made up of the official Crypto & Co websites (cryptocurrency), mobile services, clients, as well as other solutions that are used to provide Crypto & Co services. This also includes all other websites, clients, and platforms that are operated independently within the marketplace.

This privacy policy encompasses all processing activities of personal data as carried out by Crypto & Co. across different platforms, departments, and websites owned by the company. All customers and users of our solutions should know that this privacy policy holds in addition to other contractual and business documents, which include and do not limit any agreements that we may have previously made with the customer.

In addition, this privacy policy as well as our cookie notice apply to anyone who uses our website, even if they are not a relevant user, stakeholder, or customer of our solutions or services.

What part of my data does Crypto & Co. collect?

Crypto & Co. collects the personal data of its users during its normal operational process. Personal data is that which relates to any identifiable individual. Personal data in this case means the data provided by the user to the website, the data about users that is automatically collected, and all data that is re-trieved from third parties.

The user usually provides us with some information. To use our services, you will be required to sign up for an account. This helps you easily access our solutions and services. During this process, you will be asked to provide some important information about yourself. The data requested from you may be mandatory according to the law (e.g., for verifying your identity as well as to comply with our “Know Your Customer” process) and needed to provide the required services (for example, we will need your email address when you sign up for an account). Sometimes, we may request your data from you be-cause it is useful for specific purposes. In addition, if we include some more features and services on the platform, we could ask you to provide us with more data. Any user of our platform who fails to provide the data required will not be able to access our services.

Types of information that we may need from you

Some of the information that we may need from you includes:

  • Your data, such as your full name, gender, email address, phone number, home address, nation-ality, date of birth, utility bills, signature, and passport,

  • Sensitive personal data and biometrics: Crypto & Co. can also collect some private data, such as biometrics, for identity verification.

  • Government documents such as passports, national identity cards, and national identification numbers