Terms And Conditions

Crypto & Co. is a leading crypto exchange company that upholds all industry rules and laws to remain an ethical company. Any customer that uses our website must fully agree to all our terms and conditions. Please ensure that you carefully read and understand these.

Our terms constitute a contract between you and Crypto & Co. These terms are used to regulate the use of our services, which are made available to all customers either through this platform or other options. Our services are either provided by us or, if stated in these terms, through any af-filiate of Crypto & Co.

When you register for an account with Crypto & Co., access the platform, or try to use Crypto & Co. services, this means that you have read our terms, understood them, and accepted them. This is in addition to any other documents referred to herein in the terms. This means that you agree and acknowledge that you will be bound by these terms and that you will fully comply with them even when they are amended and updated constantly.

Note : Any customer who does not understand the full terms of our services or accept them should refrain from using Crypto & Co. In addition, they should not try to use any services pro-vided by one of our affiliates

Risk Warning

Digital assets have values that are subjected to significant market fluctuations, as with all other assets. This means that when you choose to buy, sell, hold, or invest in any digital asset, there is a risk of losing it due to the nature of the marketplace. Therefore, before you proceed to sign up with Crypto & Co., you must consider your financial situation. Knowing how much you can in-vest in the cryptocurrency marketplace helps you determine the number of digital assets that you can trade or hold. You may want to pay attention to our risk warning from time to time as it gets updated. It is important that you carefully read these terms and conditions. However, this part of the document does not fully lay out all the risks that could arise due to your situation. Before you take the plunge and register with Crypto & Co., it is important to fully understand the risks involved. This helps you make the right decision when it comes to investing in cryptocurrency.


All the content that is present on this website, such as software, data compilations, digital down-loads, audio clips, images, button icons, logos, graphics, and texts, belongs to Crypto & Co.

Information about our customer agreement

Crypto & Co. is a cryptocurrency exchange that involves trading digital assets online. This cryp-tocurrency exchange provides its users with an elaborate trading platform for the purchase and sale of digital assets.

Our Terms : When you register to open an account with Crypto & Co., this means that you enter into a legally binding contract with the company. With these terms, you will have all the infor-mation that you need to use our services and solutions within acceptable practices and standards in the industry. These terms also outline the necessary course of action to take if there is a prob-lem, as well as various important details.